Product details

Item No: 9417072994723
Kiwi Garden Quash®, a revolutionary low hazard product which effectively controls slugs and snails, preventing them from ruining your plants. Kiwi Garden Quash® is made with the active ingredient Iron EDTA Complex, which is safer for use around children, pets and wildlife than alternative metaldehyde or methiocarb based slug and snail baits. Kiwi Garden Quash®, a revolutionary low hazard product which effectively controls slugs and snails, preventing them from ruining your plants. Kiwi Garden Quash® is made with the active ingredient Iron EDTA Complex, which is safer for use around children, pets and wildlife than alternative metaldehyde or methiocarb based slug and snail baits. Kiwi Garden Quash® lasts longer under damp conditions when slugs and snails are most active. When Kiwi Garden Quash® breaks down, plants can utilise the Iron Chelate for healthy growth.

Features & Benefits

  • Effective, low hazard slug & snail bait
  • Easy to apply pellet form
  • Last longer in damp conditions when slugs & snails are most active
  • Breaks down and supports healthy growth in your garden
  • Plants can utilise the iron chelate in pellets for healthy growth.